Keynote Talk about "Sustainable careers and career shocks after COVID" for Dutch Association of Corporate Lawyers

March 29, 2022

On January 27th, 2022, I gave a keynote talk titled "Sustainable careers and career shocks after COVID", during the annual meeting of the Dutch Association of Corporate Lawyers (Nederlandse Gemeenschap van Bedrijfsjuristen). During this talk, we discussed how careers are changing and how the COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted these changes both positively and negatively. Based on the findings from a large-scale survey, we then discussed how we (don't) see these changing career patterns reflected among Dutch corporate lawyers. It was really interesting to observe that while certain "traditional" career elements (e.g., career paths were relatively stable) were prominent, other "new" career elements (e.g., work-life interactions) are becoming more important for this target group.

Screenshot from the keynote talk
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