New Book Chapter About Methods in Career Research

June 19, 2021

As part of the Handbook of Research Methods in Careers (edited by Wendy Murphy and Jennifer Tosti-Kharas), I joined forces with Colin Lee, Sanne Nijs, Emy Mylona, and Janneke Oostrom to contribute an introductory chapter about methods in career research. We conducted a bibliometric analysis of all published articles in five dedicated career journals (JVB, CDI, CDQ, JCA, JCD) between 2014-2018 to analyze patterns in research methods. We found a relatively large fragmentation between subfields, who did not seem to communicate much with each other. Thankfully, the handbook is filled with excellent chapters about various methods, so hopefully we can start learning from each other more actively!

The chapter is available HERE. The full book can be found HERE. Below is a preview of our findings.

A visualization of our review of methods in career research
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