Nieuw Artikel over Loopbaancompetenties bij Jonge Academici

February 1, 2023

Samen met Isabelle Skakni, Christian Maggiori en Jonas Masdonati heb ik een artikel gepubliceerd in Higher Education Research and Development over loopbaancompetenties bij jonge academici. In dit onderzoek vulden meer dan 700 jonge academici uit 16 landen de Career Competencies Questionnaire in die ik ongeveer 10 jaar geleden ontwikkeld heb. De resultaten lieten zien dat loopbaancompetenties kunnen verschillen voor academici die een loopbaanpad binnen of juist buiten de academische wereld ambiëren. Ook vonden we dat loopbaancompetenties positief samenhingen met waargenomen inzetbaarheid en betekenisvolheid van het werk.

Je kan het artikel HIER vinden, het is voor iedereen toegankelijk.


This study examines the extent to which career competencies (knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to manage one’s own work and learning experiences to achieve the desired career progression) are prevalent amongst early career researchers (ECRs). We adapted the Career Competencies Questionnaire [Akkermans, J., Brenninkmeijer, V., Huibers, H., & Blonk, R. W. (2013). Competencies for the contemporary career: Development and preliminary validation of the career competencies questionnaire. Journal of Career Development, 40(3), 245–267] to ECRs’ training and career specificities, considering the two career tracks facing them: within and outside academia. This questionnaire was sent to PhD students and junior PhD holders in 16 countries (n = 727). Our results show that career competencies for within and outside academia are clearly contrasted. Furthermore, compared with their female counterparts, male participants generally reported stronger career competencies in preparation for careers both within and outside academia, while PhD students perceived having more career competencies in preparation for careers outside academia than PhD holders did. We also found a positive link between ECRs’ career competencies and their perceived employability, and those who perceived themselves as having strong career competencies were more likely to consider their current work meaningful. While most PhD holders pursue careers beyond academia, the concept of career competencies offers an innovative theoretical contribution to the field of ECRs’ development, by highlighting how this population perceives their preparedness for diverse professional paths.

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